So, my new book is called A Place Without Shadows, and it’s out now! It’s the sequel to Regulation 19. Here’s the official description:

A Place Without ShadowsIn REGULATION 19, Frank Hinkle and his friends fought to save their hometown; now they’ll have to fight for something much bigger.

Frank continues the search for his brother Jake, but when he meets a stranger with shocking information, he’s forced to face a familiar enemy.
A woman named Sophie Porter travels to Rook Mountain in search of her sister’s killer. What she finds there will draw her into the fight against Zed.
Jake Hinkle only wanted to save his family, but now he’s trapped in a strange forest where it’s only safe to go out at night. A book with the symbol of a broken world on the cover is his only chance at survival.
Zed waits in a forest of tall twisted trees planning his endgame against an enemy even he fears. The battleground will be A PLACE WITHOUT SHADOWS.

Click here to buy the ebook on Amazon.

Or click here to buy a signed paperback copy.

If you do pick up a copy, let me know what you think of it.

To prepare for this release, I’ve been making some updates to this here website. The most exciting one (to me) is the Books page.

If you click the Books link in the menu above, you’ll see not only the books I currently have available, but also everything I will be  publishing between now and the end of 2015. Pretty cool, huh? This is part of ‘P.T.’s Public Accountability Program’ which started with the Ultimatum back in August 2013. (Wow, my videos have gotten a lot better since then.) Public accountability is the most effective method I’ve found for keeping my butt in the chair writing each and every day.

So go take a look at my upcoming books. And yell at me if I don’t get them out on time.

You’ll also notice a new thingie in the sidebar of this site called ‘A Place Without Shadows Spotify Playlist’. These are the songs I listened to each day while writing this book.

Finally, I added a page with Bonus Features for A Place Without Shadows, including a deleted scene (it kinda broke my heart to cut it from the book, but it was the right choice; as much as I love it, it disrupted the flow of the story too much). I won’t link to that page here, as it contains spoilers for both Regulation 19 and A Place Without Shadows. There is a link at the end of the book that takes you to the bonus features page.

I’m off to the pumpkin patch with my family. Enjoy your Sunday, Internet!

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