If you’ve been following this blog for any length of time, you know I’m a big fan of John L. Monk’s book KICK.
The sequel, FOOL’S RIDE, is out now. I was lucky enough to read an advance copy of the book, and I can tell you this one’s even better than KICK. It’s a bit darker, a touch more thought provoking, and just as much fun.
Here’s the offical blurb:
Dan Jenkins is back, body hopping a scumbag at a time in his quest for the perfect ride. He doesn’t need much. Premium cable TV, good books, a well-stocked pantry, and he’s set. But the Great Whomever has other plans.
After six months waiting in limbo, Dan catches a ride as a horror novelist whose gruesome stories aren’t just fiction. Later, he hunts a man who’s escaped justice for far too long. Then, in his greatest challenge yet, he strays too deeply into the lives of the people he loves: his most foolish ride of all.
Click the cover image below to check it out on Amazon.