1. I listen to a lot of podcasts. Most of them are entertaining. Some are educational. A few are a combination of both. But only Filmspotting: Streaming Video Unit (SVU) is actually useful .
  2. The original Filmspotting is one of the best movie review podcasts out there. I’ve listened to Adam and his co-host (be it Sam, Matty, or Josh) for many years. Filmspotting: SVU is a brilliant spinoff in which film critics Alison Willmore and Matt Singer review movies available for online streaming.
  3. Chances are good that you subscribe to some sort of video streaming service. Netflix. Hulu Plus. Amazon Prime. Whatever. Maybe you have even dropped or reduced your cable service in favor of online streaming. If so, you probably find yourself occasionally scrolling through the ‘New Releases’, ‘Suggestions for You’, and ‘Because You Watched My Little Pony’ sections in a haze of indecision. These online services provide thousands of movies, which means it takes forever to shift through the garbage and find the good stuff. That’s where Filmspotting: SVU comes to the rescue.
  4. Each week Alison and Matt have one in-depth review as well as several other shorter reviews. They always point out which streaming services carry the movies they are discussing. Make sure to have a pen and paper handy while listening – I’ve never come away from an episode with less than three movie recommendations that sound interesting.
  5. Filmspotting: SVU covers a wide variety of genres. Whether it’s a horror film like ‘The ABCs of Death’, an indie flick like ‘This is Martin Bonner’, or a blockbuster like ‘The Avengers,’ Matt and Alison are there for you. Whatever types of movies you are into, Filmspotting: SVU will help you discover more of them.

Check out Filmspotting: Streaming Video Unit here.

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  1. Thanks for the suggestion will definitely check that out. If you're fond of a film review then also worth checking out Mayo and Kermode's film review podcast (also aired on BBC Radio).


    It can be a bit rambling at times but Mark Kermode's reviews are the standard by which I judge all others (and usually find them wanting).

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