You are in a building that is about to collapse.
There are two possible exits, both an equal distance from you. As you head for the exit, you can warn those you pass along the way and take them with you to safety. Everyone else in the building will surely die.
There are two men near the exit to your left. Every interaction you have had with these two men has been negative. They are regularly rude and abrasive to you. You know nothing about their families or personal lives, but they seem like unhappy people.
There is one man near the exit to your right. Every interaction you have had with him has been positive. He is friendly, upbeat, and quick with a compliment. You know nothing about his family or personal life, but he seems like a happy person.
Do you save the two jerks or the one nice guy?
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AFAQ (Anticipated Frequently Asked Questions):
Can’t I just yell really loudly and warn them all? No. The hallway is too long. You only know they are there because you can see them through security monitors near you. Or something.
Why don’t I just pull the fire alarm? There is no fire alarm. Get into the spirit of this thing!
What kind of cars do the guys dr- You have no further info than what is listed above! Answer the question, already!
Sorry. We cool?  It’s okay. We’re cool.
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