Something worthy of your attention, and five reasons I love it.


 1. Sawbones is a podcast by Dr. Sydnee McElroy and her definitely-not-a-doctor husband Justin McElroy. You may know Justin from the great modern advice podcast My Brother, My Brother and Me.

Sawbones is funny, informative, and it will give you lots of cool facts to share at your next dinner party. If you get invited to those sorts of things. Unrelated note: I am free most Friday and Saturday nights.

2. On Sawbones, the hosts discuss some of the most misguided medical practices in humanity’s long history of trying to understand the human body and how to fix it. Recent topics include bloodletting, hysteria,  and lobotomy.

3. It makes you wonder which of our current medical practices future generations will laugh at and/or be revolted by.

4. They keep it tight. As a podcaster myself, I know far too well the temptation to let your podcast creep upward in duration with each subsequent episode. The first episode of my guitar podcast Six-String Bliss lasted about 30 minutes. Some of the later episodes pushed the 90 minute mark. The McElroys keep things to a wieldy 30-40 minutes. Perfect for listening to during a short morning workout.

5. The hosts seem like cool people. In the very personal medium of podcasting, the importance of likeable hosts cannot be overstated. It is a pleasure to hang out with Justin and Sydnee for a half hour each week.

Did I mention that I am free most Friday and Saturday nights?

Where to begin? Start with Episode One: Trepanation. Otherwise you won’t understand Justin’s signature sign out: “Don’t drill a hole in your head.”

Check out all the episodes of  Sawbones here.

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